I want to create a custom BOM and I found a macro on the coe.org forum (see at bottom of post). I'm having some difficulties implementing it as I require. At some point the macro uses the code:
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(n, 1, ProductList(n).PartNumber)
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, n, 1, 2, 0)
I tested the macro and this works, however I want to write the value of some User defined Properties instead of the preset CATIA properties. Therefore I change the code to:
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(n, 1, ProductList(n).UserRefProperties.Item("CE_NUMBER"))
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, n, 1, 2, 0)
When I execute the macro again I get the errors:
Automation error
Unspecified error
I'm new to programming in general but I've used
before in my title block and it does work there. I've tried multiple variations like
But I can't get it to work.
I've backtracked Productlist(n) and it's declared like this:
Dim ProductList(50) As Product
As far as I can see it should return the same kind of thing that ends in .Product just like the code in my title block does.
Anyone knows how to get this macro to do what I want it to do? Thx in advance.
Original macro code copied from coe.org (it has a couple of missing characters):
Option Explicit
Sub CATMain()
On Error Resume Next
'Declare Variables
Dim oDocument As Document
Dim oDrawingDoc As DrawingDocument
Dim oDrawingSheets As DrawingSheets
Dim oDrawingSheet As DrawingSheet
Dim oDrawingViews As DrawingViews
Dim oDrawingView As DrawingView
Dim oDrawingTables As DrawingTables
Dim oDrawingTable As DrawingTable
Dim oBackgroundView As DrawingView
Dim oProductDoc As ProductDocument
Dim oProducts As Products
Dim oProduct As Product
Dim TempProduct As Product
Dim QtyDict As Variant
Dim Width As Integer
Dim height As Integer
Dim xOffset As Integer
Dim yOffset As Integer
Dim XOrig As Integer
Dim YOrig As Integer
'Check that the ActiveDocument is a CATDrawing.
'If not, inform the user and terminate execution.
Set oDocument = CATIA.ActiveDocument
If Right(oDocument.FullName, 10) "CATDrawing" Then
MsgBox "This utility must be executed from a within a CATDrawing."
Exit Sub
End If
'Populate the Variables
Set oDrawingDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument
Set oDrawingSheets = oDrawingDoc.Sheets
Set oDrawingSheet = oDrawingSheets.ActiveSheet
Set oDrawingViews = oDrawingSheet.Views
Set oDrawingView = oDrawingViews.Item(3)
Set oBackgroundView = oDrawingViews.Item("Background View"
Set oDrawingTables = oBackgroundView.Tables
'Check that the linked document is a product and not a part
Set oProductDoc = oDrawingView.GenerativeLinks.FirstLink.Parent
If Err.Number 0 Then
MsgBox "The linked model is not a product!", vbExclamation
Exit Sub
End If
Set oProducts = oProductDoc.Product.Products
Set QtyDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary"
'get the sheet dimensions so that we can place the bom in the right
'place relative to the drawing border
xOffset = -90
yOffset = 10
Width = oDrawingSheet.GetPaperWidth
height = oDrawingSheet.GetPaperHeight
XOrig = Width + xOffset
YOrig = yOffset
'Scan through the Product Structure of the assembly noteing the quantity of
'each component. Add one of each component to a list of the products for
'future use.
Dim n As Integer
Dim SourceText As String
Dim ProductList(50) As Product
Dim Index As Integer
Index = 1
For n = 1 To oProducts.Count
Set TempProduct = oProducts.Item(n)
If QtyDict.exists(TempProduct.PartNumber) = True Then
QtyDict.Item(TempProduct.PartNumber) = QtyDict.Item(TempProduct.PartNumber) + 1
QtyDict.Add TempProduct.PartNumber, 1
Set ProductList(Index) = TempProduct
Index = Index + 1
End If
Next n
'Check to see if a BOM has already been created on the Drawing.
'This code will be utilized when updates to the BOM are needed.
'If the BOM table already exists, skip to the code which will
'populate the BOM.
For n = 1 To oDrawingTables.Count
Set oDrawingTable = oDrawingTables.Item(n)
If oDrawingTable.Name = "DrawingBOM" Then
End If
Next n
'If the table does not exist, create one and label it the same as
'the table name being searched for.
Set oDrawingTable = oDrawingTables.Add(XOrig, YOrig, QtyDict.Count + 1, 5, 3, 5)
oDrawingTable.Name = "DrawingBOM"
oDrawingTable.AnchorPoint = CatTableBottomRight
'Populate the cells of the BOM Table
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(oDrawingTable.NumberOfRows, 1, "Part Number"
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, oDrawingTable.NumberOfRows, 1, 1, 1)
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(oDrawingTable.NumberOfRows, 2, "Description"
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, oDrawingTable.NumberOfRows, 2, 1, 1)
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(oDrawingTable.NumberOfRows, 3, "Supplier"
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, oDrawingTable.NumberOfRows, 3, 1, 1)
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(oDrawingTable.NumberOfRows, 4, "Qty"
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, oDrawingTable.NumberOfRows, 4, 1, 1)
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(oDrawingTable.NumberOfRows, 5, "Source"
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, oDrawingTable.NumberOfRows, 5, 1, 1)
Call oDrawingTable.SetColumnSize(1, 50)
Call oDrawingTable.SetColumnSize(2, 110)
Call oDrawingTable.SetColumnSize(3, 110)
Call oDrawingTable.SetColumnSize(4, 12)
Call oDrawingTable.SetColumnSize(5, 20)
'Use the list created earlier in order to populate the information
'about each part in the product structure.
For n = 1 To (oDrawingTable.NumberOfRows - 1)
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(n, 1, ProductList(n).PartNumber)
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, n, 1, 2, 0)
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(n, 2, ProductList(n).Definition)
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, n, 2, 2, 0)
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(n, 3, ProductList(n).DescriptionRef)
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, n, 3, 2, 0)
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(n, 4, QtyDict.Item(ProductList(n).PartNumber))
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, n, 4, 1, 0)
Select Case ProductList(n).Source
Case "0"
SourceText = "Unknown"
Case "1"
SourceText = "Made"
Case "2"
SourceText = "Bought"
End Select
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(n, 5, SourceText)
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, n, 5, 2, 0)
Next n
End Sub
Sub Dressup_Table(current_table As DrawingTable, ByVal line_number As Integer, ByVal column_number As Integer, ByVal type_justification As Integer, ByVal bold As Integer)
' sort out the justification
If type_justification = 1 Then
current_table.SetCellAlignment line_number, column_number, CatTableMiddleCenter
ElseIf type_justification = 2 Then
current_table.SetCellAlignment line_number, column_number, CatTableMiddleLeft
End If
' get the current text
Dim current_text As DrawingText
Set current_text = current_table.GetCellObject(line_number, column_number)
' set up the current text
Dim oText As Integer
oText = Len(current_text.Text)
' Font Arial
current_text.SetFontName 1, oText, "Arial (TrueType)"
' font height
current_text.SetFontSize 1, oText, 2.5
' graphical attributes
current_text.SetParameterOnSubString catBold, 1, oText, bold
current_text.SetParameterOnSubString catUnderline, 1, oText, 0
current_text.SetParameterOnSubString catItalic, 1, oText, 0
current_text.SetParameterOnSubString catItalic, 1, oText, 0
current_text.SetParameterOnSubString catOverline, 1, oText, 0
End Sub
Code I currently have in my macro:
Option Explicit
Sub CATMain()
'Declare Variables
Dim oDocument As Document
Dim oDrawingDoc As DrawingDocument
Dim oDrawingSheets As DrawingSheets
Dim oDrawingSheet As DrawingSheet
Dim oDrawingViews As DrawingViews
Dim oDrawingView As DrawingView
Dim oDrawingTables As DrawingTables
Dim oDrawingTable As DrawingTable
Dim oBackgroundView As DrawingView
Dim oProductDoc As ProductDocument
Dim oProducts As Products
Dim oProduct As Product
Dim TempProduct As Product
Dim QtyDict As Variant
Dim Width As Integer
Dim height As Integer
Dim xOffset As Integer
Dim yOffset As Integer
Dim XOrig As Integer
Dim YOrig As Integer
'Check that the ActiveDocument is a CATDrawing.
'If not, inform the user and terminate execution.
Set oDocument = CATIA.ActiveDocument
If Right(oDocument.FullName, 10) <> "CATDrawing" Then
MsgBox "This utility must be executed from a within a CATDrawing."
Exit Sub
End If
'Populate the Variables
Set oDrawingDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument
Set oDrawingSheets = oDrawingDoc.Sheets
Set oDrawingSheet = oDrawingSheets.ActiveSheet
Set oDrawingViews = oDrawingSheet.Views
Set oDrawingView = oDrawingViews.Item(4)
Set oBackgroundView = oDrawingViews.Item("Background View")
Set oDrawingTables = oBackgroundView.Tables
'Check that the linked document is a product and not a part
Set oProductDoc = oDrawingView.GenerativeLinks.FirstLink.Parent
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "The linked model is not a product!", vbExclamation
Exit Sub
End If
Set oProducts = oProductDoc.Product.Products
Set QtyDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'get the sheet dimensions so that we can place the bom in the right
'place relative to the drawing border
xOffset = -90
yOffset = 200
Width = oDrawingSheet.GetPaperWidth
height = oDrawingSheet.GetPaperHeight
XOrig = Width + xOffset
YOrig = yOffset
'Scan through the Product Structure of the assembly noteing the quantity of
'each component. Add one of each component to a list of the products for
'future use.
Dim n As Integer
Dim SourceText As String
Dim ProductList(50) As Product
Dim Index As Integer
Index = 1
For n = 1 To oProducts.Count
Set TempProduct = oProducts.Item(n)
If QtyDict.exists(TempProduct.PartNumber) = True Then
QtyDict.Item(TempProduct.PartNumber) = QtyDict.Item(TempProduct.PartNumber) + 1
QtyDict.Add TempProduct.PartNumber, 1
Set ProductList(Index) = TempProduct
Index = Index + 1
End If
Next n
'If the table does not exist, create one and label it the same as
'the table name being searched for.
Set oDrawingTable = oDrawingTables.Add(XOrig, YOrig, QtyDict.Count + 1, 9, 3, 5)
oDrawingTable.Name = "DrawingBOM"
oDrawingTable.AnchorPoint = CatTableBottomRight
'Populate the cells of the BOM Table
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(oDrawingTable.NumberOfRows, 1, "QTY")
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, oDrawingTable.NumberOfRows, 1, 1, 1)
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(oDrawingTable.NumberOfRows, 2, "PART-NUMBER")
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, oDrawingTable.NumberOfRows, 2, 1, 1)
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(oDrawingTable.NumberOfRows, 3, "DESCRIPTION")
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, oDrawingTable.NumberOfRows, 3, 1, 1)
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(oDrawingTable.NumberOfRows, 4, "VENDOR")
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, oDrawingTable.NumberOfRows, 4, 1, 1)
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(oDrawingTable.NumberOfRows, 5, "STOCK NUMBER")
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, oDrawingTable.NumberOfRows, 5, 1, 1)
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(oDrawingTable.NumberOfRows, 6, "MATERIAL")
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, oDrawingTable.NumberOfRows, 6, 1, 1)
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(oDrawingTable.NumberOfRows, 7, "COATING")
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, oDrawingTable.NumberOfRows, 7, 1, 1)
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(oDrawingTable.NumberOfRows, 8, "WEIGHT")
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, oDrawingTable.NumberOfRows, 8, 1, 1)
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(oDrawingTable.NumberOfRows, 9, "REMARK")
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, oDrawingTable.NumberOfRows, 9, 1, 1)
Call oDrawingTable.SetColumnSize(1, 10)
Call oDrawingTable.SetColumnSize(2, 100)
Call oDrawingTable.SetColumnSize(3, 100)
Call oDrawingTable.SetColumnSize(4, 50)
Call oDrawingTable.SetColumnSize(5, 50)
Call oDrawingTable.SetColumnSize(6, 80)
Call oDrawingTable.SetColumnSize(7, 80)
Call oDrawingTable.SetColumnSize(8, 50)
Call oDrawingTable.SetColumnSize(9, 80)
'Use the list created earlier in order to populate the information
'about each part in the product structure.
For n = 1 To (oDrawingTable.NumberOfRows - 1)
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(n, 1, QtyDict.Item(ProductList(n).PartNumber))
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, n, 1, 1, 0)
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(n, 2, ProductList(n).UserRefProperties.CE_NUMBER)
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, n, 2, 2, 0)
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(n, 3, ProductList(n).UserRefProperties.Item("DESCRIPTION"))
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, n, 3, 2, 0)
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(n, 4, ProductList(n).UserRefProperties.Item("VENDOR"))
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, n, 4, 2, 0)
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(n, 5, ProductList(n).UserRefProperties.Item("STOCK_NUMBER"))
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, n, 5, 2, 0)
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(n, 6, ProductList(n).UserRefProperties.Item("MATERIAL"))
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, n, 6, 2, 0)
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(n, 7, ProductList(n).UserRefProperties.Item("COATING"))
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, n, 7, 2, 0)
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(n, 8, ProductList(n).UserRefProperties.Item("CC_CALC_WEIGHT"))
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, n, 8, 2, 0)
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(n, 9, ProductList(n).UserRefProperties.Item("REMARK"))
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, n, 9, 2, 0)
Next n
End Sub
Sub Dressup_Table(current_table As DrawingTable, ByVal line_number As Integer, ByVal column_number As Integer, ByVal type_justification As Integer, ByVal bold As Integer)
' sort out the justification
If type_justification = 1 Then
current_table.SetCellAlignment line_number, column_number, CatTableMiddleCenter
ElseIf type_justification = 2 Then
current_table.SetCellAlignment line_number, column_number, CatTableMiddleLeft
End If
' get the current text
Dim current_text As DrawingText
Set current_text = current_table.GetCellObject(line_number, column_number)
' set up the current text
Dim oText As Integer
oText = Len(current_text.Text)
' Font Arial
current_text.SetFontName 1, oText, "Arial (TrueType)"
' font height
current_text.SetFontSize 1, oText, 2.5
' graphical attributes
current_text.SetParameterOnSubString catBold, 1, oText, bold
current_text.SetParameterOnSubString catUnderline, 1, oText, 0
current_text.SetParameterOnSubString catItalic, 1, oText, 0
current_text.SetParameterOnSubString catItalic, 1, oText, 0
current_text.SetParameterOnSubString catOverline, 1, oText, 0
End Sub
Long explanation:
Call oDrawingTable.SetCellString(n, 1, ProductList(n).UserRefProperties.Item("CE_NUMBER"))
Call Dressup_Table(oDrawingTable, n, 1, 2, 0)
The reason this code does not execute is because the method "UserRefProperties" does not work for a product at this particular object level, even though the method "Parameters" DOES work at this level. EVEN THOUGH WHEN INSPECTING A PRODUCTDOCUMENT YOU WILL FIND BOTH SETS OF PARAMETERS AT THE SAME OBJECT LEVEL.
Now this can cause some confusion and I'll try to clarify: When Catia opens a .CATProduct file this file is declared a ProductDocument object, this object contains the Product object on which one can use the Parameters and UserRefProperties methods. The confusion arises when a child Product of a ProductDocument (= in this case oProductDoc) is called, in this case through the
Productlist(Index) = oProductDoc.Product.Products.item(n)
Now what we are actually calling with ProductList(n) a bit further down the original BOM code posted above is the ProductDocument of a child product of the original oProductDoc. But instead of declaring ProductList(n) as a ProductDocument, we actually declare it a Product. Catia recognizes we are doing this and allows it to happen, it also conveniently "uproots/copies" all methods/properties/parameters of the underlying Product to this object. ALL OF THEM EXCEPT UserRefProperties.
So, to actually get to the UserRefProperties one needs to go one level deeper, the Product level of ProductList(n). Finally we arrive at the solution to my original problem:
Instead of using
we should replace that with
I discovered the solution by accident, trial & error. For a long time I had no idea why it worked the way it did but recently I discovered the "Locals" window in VBA and it soon became clear to me what was going on.
I'm not saying my explanation is 100% correct and my terminology is sketchy at best, but I believe the train of thought is at least in the right direction.
I gave up trying to make a customized BOM with a macro because the Advanced BOM option in Catia can accomplish enough to satisfy my needs.