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How to test Evernote's Android Jobs?

How do I test Jobs created with Android-Job library? Any ideas on unit testing, instrumented testing or even manual testing are appreciated, I just want to check if it works as expected.

To be specific, I have a job that performs an HTTP request every N hours:

package com.kondenko.yamblzweather.job;


import com.kondenko.yamblzweather.model.entity.WeatherData;
import com.kondenko.yamblzweather.utils.SettingsManager;

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import javax.inject.Inject;

public class UpdateWeatherJob extends Job {

private WeatherInteractor interactor;
private String cityId;
private String units;
private long refreshRateHr;

// Do not delete, needed for job creation
public static final String TAG = "UpdateWeaterJob";

public UpdateWeatherJob(WeatherInteractor interactor, SettingsManager settingsManager) {
    this.interactor = interactor;
    this.cityId = settingsManager.getSelectedCity();
    this.units = settingsManager.getSelectedUnitValue();
    this.refreshRateHr = settingsManager.getRefreshRate();

protected Result onRunJob(Params params) {
    WeatherData data = interactor.getWeather(cityId, units).blockingGet();
    return data != null ? Result.SUCCESS : Result.FAILURE;

public void buildJobRequest(String name) {
    new JobRequest.Builder(UpdateWeatherJob.TAG)



  • We at Evernote test jobs the following way:

    • Unit tests -> We tend to extract the logic into actions, similar to presenters in a MVP setup. This removes Android dependencies and the actions are unit testable.
    • QA -> We have QA options to trigger jobs manually. This way our QA team can verify that the job produces the correct output
    • Verifying timing -> There we rely on the logs.

    You also should take a look at these slides. ADB can be really helpful to verify curtain assumptions.