I'd like to use Google Analytics to track usage of a command line Node app. Tracking will be strictly opt-in. I'd like to track basic usage, plus which operating system and version of Node was used.
I've found the Measurement Protocol, but I'm wondering whats the best way to set up Google Analytics.
You can choose from Web or App - App seems the best fit, but then I'm sent to Firebase to set up an iOS, Android or Web app. None of these are correct. So is 'Web' the best way to track my app usage? Or is Google Analytics not the right approach?
Google analytics really isnt designed for something like this. You have only two options web app where everything is page based. http://example.com/hello.php vs using a mobile app where everything is screen based. Home, about, help.
I have done this before with several console applications, a custom SSIS task (dll) and an arduino project. I chose mobile application mainly because i thought it was closer. I know of someone who did the same with an actions on google project.
In the end what you use will be up to you. Just consider what it is you want to track exactly and lay it out before you start.
If you choose mobile make sure you send Screen views and not page views. The Google analytics website is split you cant mix and match the hit type.
Workaround for createing moble account without firebase.