I need to sort a table by time and day for upcoming events. I need the nearest future date string at the top descending by the events following. BUT I want to drop past events to the bottom of the array/table, where I will hide the date and time, so the history is shown.
Its an Array of structs if that makes a difference
for example :
Event3 - 14:15
Event4 - 15:00
Event5 - 18:03
Event1 -
Event2 -
The following works to order my array, I just want to drop past dates to the bottom
newArray = oldArray.sorted(by: {Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: $0.eventTime < Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: $1.eventTime})
Solution A: sort, split and combine
let now = Date()
let sortedArray = myArray.sorted(by: { $0.startTime < $1.startTime })
var finalArray = sortedArray
if let index = sortedArray.index(where: { $0.startTime > now }) {
if index > 0 {
finalArray = Array(sortedArray[index ..< sortedArray.endIndex] + sortedArray[sortedArray.startIndex ... index - 1])
Solution B (faster): sort by a predicate
let now = Date()
let newArray = myArray.sorted(by: {
if $0.startTime > now {
if $1.startTime > now {
return $0.startTime < $1.startTime
} else {
return true
} else {
if $1.startTime > now {
return false
} else {
return $0.startTime < $1.startTime