Here's my attempt using Grid and ScrollView:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns=""
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<RowDefinition Height="40" />
<RowDefinition Height="*" />
<Label Text="News Header" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0" />
<ScrollView Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="1">
<StackLayout x:Name="NewsItems">
<Label Text="News 1 Title" />
<Label Text="News 1 Text" />
<Label Text="News 2 Title" />
<Label Text="News 2 Text" />
<Label Text="News 3 Title" />
<Label Text="News 3 Text" />
<Label Text="News 4 Title" />
<Label Text="News 4 Text" />
<Label Text="News 5 Title" />
<Label Text="News 5 Text" />
<Label Text="News 6 Title" />
<Label Text="News 6 Text" />
<Label Text="News 7 Title" />
<Label Text="News 7 Text" />
But when scrolling on Android 4.4 (API 19) Emulator ScrollView content overlaps Label "News Header". In addition in manuals strongly recommends not use nested ScrollView.
How can I solve this task?
A fascinating phenomenon that took me a couple of days of life) The task truly is solved through the Grid + ScrollView, everything works fine from my example. Apparently I had something wrong with the emulators. It all started with how I noticed that the emulator (Nougat 7.1) provided by default after installing Xamarin, displays the scroll as needed. I understood and began to dig. All the emulators that I created (with any api from 4.4 to 7.0) - displayed a scroll with the bug above. To change / copy or recreate the same emulator as provided by default did not work, the emulator manager cursed some kind of error. I digged even deeper, it took a lot of time and nerves, but the result paid off: