In order to improve OCR quality, I need to preprocess my scanned images. Sometimes I need to OCR the image with few pictures (components on the page and they are at different angles - for example, a few paper documents scanned at one time), for example:
Is it possible to automatically programmatically divide such images into separate images that will contain every logical document? For example with a tool like ImageMagick or something else? Is there any solutions/technics exists for such problem?
In ImageMagick 6, you can blur the image enough that the text overlaps and threshold so that the text boxes are each one large black region on a white background. Then you can use connected-components to find each separate black gray(0) region and its bounding box. Then crop the original image for each such region using the bounding box values.
Unix Syntax (adjust the blur to be just large enough to keep the text regions solid black):
inname=`convert -ping $infile -format "%t" info:`
arr=(`convert $infile -blur 0x5 -auto-level -threshold 99% -type bilevel +write tmp.png \
-define connected-components:verbose=true \
-connected-components 8 \
null: | tail -n +2 | sed 's/^[ ]*//'`)
for ((i=0; i<num; i++)); do
#echo "${arr[$i]}"
color=`echo ${arr[$i]} | cut -d\ -f5`
bbox=`echo ${arr[$i]} | cut -d\ -f2`
echo "color=$color; bbox=$bbox"
if [ "$color" = "gray(0)" ]; then
convert $infile -crop $bbox +repage -fuzz 10% -trim +repage ${inname}_$i.png
Textual Listing:
color=gray(255); bbox=892x1008+0+0
color=gray(0); bbox=337x430+36+13
color=gray(0); bbox=430x337+266+630
color=gray(0); bbox=202x147+506+252
tmp.png showing the blurred and thresholded regions:
Cropped Images: