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R Studio in Scoupus Dataset(Bibtex) Error in names(Y) = c("Year ", "Articles") :

I download datatset from the scopus dataset then try to read the dataset but an error occurred when trying show the summary of the dataset. I Downloaded BIBTEX file or (.bib).

All of the scopus dataset I downloaded in Bibtex is not working. But then I tried in Web Of Science(WOS) the bibtex I download is working. I was able to finish all the details with no error in WOS.

Using bibliometrix package in Rstudio. I followed the steps in these link:

Code I Used:

Brunei <- readFiles("C://Users//starl//Desktop//Thesis(1-29-2018)//Brunei Darussalam//Scopus//1.R Studio//Brunei Darussalam Dataset(Scopus).bib")
BruneiPDF <- convert2df(Brunei, dbsource = "isi", format = "bibtex")
BruneiResults <- biblioAnalysis(BruneiPDF, sep = ";")
BruneiSummary=summary(object = BruneiResults, k = 10, pause = FALSE)

After entering these code:

BruneiSummary=summary(object = BruneiResults, k = 10, pause = FALSE)

These error Occured: Error in names(Y) = c("Year ", "Articles") : 'names' attribute [2] must be the same length as the vector 1

The summary did not appear See the image to View the error


  • I think the error in your code depends on the following line:

    BruneiPDF <- convert2df(Brunei, dbsource = "isi", format = "bibtex")

    whether your data come from Scopus, you should write:

    BruneiPDF <- convert2df(Brunei, dbsource = "scopus", format = "bibtex")