The documentation says:
Usually you want to pass Nothing for the adjustments
scrolled <- scrolledWindowNew Nothing Nothing
gives me the following error, probably caused by incorrect imports.
• Overlapping instances for GI.Gtk.Objects.Adjustment.IsAdjustment
arising from a use of ‘scrolledWindowNew’ Matching instances:
instance [overlappable] (Data.GI.Base.BasicTypes.GObject a,
GI.Gtk.Objects.Adjustment.Adjustment a) =>
GI.Gtk.Objects.Adjustment.IsAdjustment a
-- Defined in ‘GI.Gtk.Objects.Adjustment’ one instance involving out-of-scope types
(use -fprint-potential-instances to see them all)
my imports look like this
import qualified GI.Gtk as GI (init,
import GI.Gtk (mainQuit,
headerBarNew, headerBarSetTitle, headerBarSetSubtitle,headerBarSetShowCloseButton,
import GI.Gtk.Objects.Window
import GI.Gtk.Enums
Is it an error in the documentation? Using noAdjustment instead of Nothing seems to work.
import qualified GI.Gtk as GI (init,
import GI.Gtk (mainQuit,
headerBarNew, headerBarSetTitle, headerBarSetSubtitle,headerBarSetShowCloseButton,
scrolledWindowNew, scrolledWindowSetPolicy
import GI.Gtk.Objects.Window
import GI.Gtk.Objects.Adjustment (noAdjustment)
import GI.Gtk.Enums (WindowType(..), PolicyType(..))
scrolled <- scrolledWindowNew noAdjustment noAdjustment
scrolledWindowSetPolicy scrolled PolicyTypeNever PolicyTypeAutomatic
Inspiration found in Leksah source code.
I was trying to translate into Haskell a Python example found here:
Working version, with the problem solved, can be found here:
If you take a look at the signature of Data GI.Gtk.Objects.ScrolledWindow.scrolledWindowNew:
scrolledWindowNew :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsAdjustment a, IsAdjustment b) =>
Maybe a ->
Maybe b ->
m ScrolledWindow
And if you call it like you did
scrolled <- scrolledWindowNew Nothing Nothing
The compiler knows two things about the (for example) first parameter. It has the type Maybe a
and about a
it know, that it is some type with an instance for IsAdjustment
But the compiler needs to know exactly, what the type a
is and the error message is due to the fact, that it can't deduce it. (Sadly it is pretty weird and not very helpful, as those overlapping instances thingy is intervenes.)
Let's look at, why noAdjustment
works. If we look up it's documentation GI.Gtk.Objects.Adjustment.noAdjustment it type signature reads:
noAdjustment :: Maybe Adjustment
and the docs state:
A convenience alias for
Nothing :: Maybe Adjustment
And Adjustment
is a concrete type, which happens to have an instance for IsAdjustment
So the compiler is happy, as it now knows the exact type of the parameters.
Also see
What is the type of Nothing in Haskell?
Using Haskell's "Maybe", type declarations [beginner's question]