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Phalcon pass object from controller into view

I'm new in phalcon and I wonder what is correct way to pass some data from controller into view from database. For example

$lastOrder = LeaOrder::findFirst([   
    'conditions' => 'user_id = ?1',
    'order' => "id DESC",
    'bind'       => [
        1 => $userID,

    'lastOrder'=> $lastOnGoingOrder,

Can I show data for the user from LeaOrder object like {{lastOrder->name}} or should I make toArray() before passing object into view and then {{lastOrder[name]}} or this doesnt matter like I handle this? thank you for all advice,


  • You can even use the quick syntax:

    $this->view->lastOrder = LeaOrder::findFirst([   
        'conditions' => 'user_id = ?1',
        'order' => "id DESC",
        'bind'       => [
            1 => $userID,

    In the view:

    // To access object properties
    {{ }}
    // To access array keys
    {{ lastOrder['name'] }}

    Phalcon ORM returns Model objects, however if you really need an array you can call the ->toArray() method on your object.

    I would suggest you reading this section from docs: Filters - section is really useful as well.

    UPDATE: Debugging ORM results. When dumping ORM result you see tons of information because of DI (dependency injection) that Phalcon is using. One easy way to debug is call ->toArray() on your model. This way you will only see model properties.

    $this->view->order = LeaOrder::findFirstById(82);

    But please note: toArray() is converting your object into array, but since you are not assigning it and just doing it inside the print_r for debug purpose, later you will use it as object in your code/template.

    UPDATE 2: Handy function for Phalcon debugging

    function d($what)
        if (is_object($what) AND method_exists($what, 'toArray')) {
            $what = $what->toArray();
        echo '<pre>';
    // Usage:
    $this->view->order = LeaOrder::findFirstById(82);