I am trying to parse a multipart form in Go. I followed the tutorial for mimepart and still not able to get the NextPart
. Please help.
package main
import (
var testHead = `multipart/related; charset=utf-8; boundary="example-1"; type="text/xml"; start="<a@b.c>"`
var testBody3 = `--example-1
Content-Type: a/b
Content-ID: <a@b.c>
Content-Type: b/c
Content-Transfer-Encoding: Base64
Content-ID: <b@c.d>
func main() {
var boundary string
var start string
result := strings.Split(testHead, ";")
for i := range result {
if strings.Contains(result[i], "boundary=") {
boundary = strings.Split(result[i], "boundary=")[1]
if strings.Contains(result[i], "start=") {
start = strings.Split(result[i], "start=")[1]
fmt.Println(start, boundary)
r := strings.NewReader(testBody3)
var nr *multipart.Reader = multipart.NewReader(r, boundary)
fmt.Println("NEW READER ->", nr)
p, err := nr.NextPart()
fmt.Println(p, err)
"<a@b.c>" "example-1"
NEW READER -> &{0xc04209a000 <nil> 0 [13 10] [13 10 45 45 34 101 120 97 109 112 108 101 45 49 34] [45 45 34 101 120 97 109 112 108 101 45 49 34 45 45] [45 45 34 101 120 97 109 112 108 101 45 49 34]}
<nil> multipart: NextPart: EOF
The issue is that your boundary is specified to be "example-1"
when it should be example-1
(without quotes). You can parse content types by using mime.ParseMediaType
package main
import (
var testHead = `multipart/related; charset=utf-8; boundary="example-1"; type="text/xml"; start="<a@b.c>"`
func main() {
_, params, _ := mime.ParseMediaType(testHead)