Q. What's the difference between (ionInput)
and (ionChange)
? In which circumstances, should I pick either one of them?
I've tried both code as shown below, and it gives the same result as I expected.
Example code using ionInput event
<ion-searchbar type="text" maxlength="18" placeholder="Search" debounce="0"
[(ngModel)]="usernameText" (ionInput)="findUserWithUsername()"></ion-searchbar>
Example code using ionChange event
<ion-input type="text" maxlength="18" placeholder="Search" clearInput
[(ngModel)]="usernameText" (ionChange)="findUserWithUsername()"></ion-input>
The answer is: It's depend on what component you are using.
First, you need to know, what is ionInput
and ionChange
. It is EventEmitter and it is definded inside each component. So it will be different between two components. ion-tabs
has ionChange
which will emit whenever the selected tab changed. ion-input
has ionChange
which will emit whenever the value of input changed. So these are completely different.
Second, not all components have ionInput
. The same with ionChange
just only has ionInput
. But ion-searchbar
has both.
Finally, just find out the difference beetwen ionInput
and ionChange
of ion-searchbar
. Lets create a small test:
In home.html
<ion-searchbar placeholder="Search" debounce="0" (ngModel)]="searchText" (ionChange)="ionChange()" (ionInput)="ionInput()"></ion-searchbar>
In home.ts
searchText = "111";
//Change the searck value after 2s the page loaded
console.log("change from the code");
this.searchText = "222";
When user typing in the text box, both event fired. But when the value of searchText
is changed by code, only ionChange
fired. So we can conclude that in ion-searchbar
component ionInput
event fired whenever user typing in the textbox and ionChange
fired whenever the value of textbox changed.
Here is the live example