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Element or attribute do not match QName production

I have a schema that i have "flattened" using XML Editor. After i flatten it i get a validation error. What can i do to fix it?

Error Message:

F [Xerces] Element or attribute do not match QName production: QName::=(NCName':')?NCName.


<xs:import namespace=""
    xmlns:="" />
<xs:annotation xmlns:="">
        <copyright>                 SPS is an OGC Standard.                 Copyright (c)
            2007,2010 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved.                 To
            obtain additional rights of use, visit .

Here's a screenshot that might better illustrate my error: enter image description here


Remove the colon somehow. What exactly does this "flattening" supposed to do?

The flattening of the xsd takes an xsd with a lot of includes and puts it all into one file (without any includes).


  • xmlns:= is invalid syntax. The colon is extra or the namespace prefix after the colon is missing. Correct syntax would be xmlns="http://some.uri" or xmlns:something="http://some.uri"

    Note that you have 2 un-needed colons: first one on line 1002 (where the red arrow is pointing) and the second one is on the line 1003. This gives a hint that there might be even more of them.

    "QName" refers to "qualified name" and "NCName" refers to "non-colonized name". Non-colonized name is an XML name that doesn't contain a colon character (:). Qualified name is either a non-colonized name or combination of two non-colonized names separated with a colon. For example "abc:defgh". The part before the colon is called the namespace prefix and the part after the colon is called the local name. If a qualified name has a namespace prefix, then that prefix must be bound to a namespace-URI with a prefixed namespace declaration, for example xmlns:abc="http://some.uri".