When trying to plot candlestick chart using Oxyplot library, it is empty, despite the fact that I assigned model to the plot view.
var plotModel1 = new PlotModel { Title = "Large Data Set (wide window)" };
var timeSpanAxis1 = new DateTimeAxis { Position = AxisPosition.Bottom };
var linearAxis1 = new LinearAxis { Position = AxisPosition.Left };
var n = 10000;
var items = HighLowItemGenerator.MRProcess(n).ToArray();
var series = new CandleStickSeries
Color = OxyColors.Black,
IncreasingColor = OxyColors.DarkGreen,
DecreasingColor = OxyColors.Red,
DataFieldX = "Time",
DataFieldHigh = "H",
DataFieldLow = "L",
DataFieldOpen = "O",
DataFieldClose = "C",
TrackerFormatString =
"High: {2:0.00}\nLow: {3:0.00}\nOpen: {4:0.00}\nClose: {5:0.00}",
ItemsSource = items
timeSpanAxis1.Minimum = items[n - 200].X;
timeSpanAxis1.Maximum = items[n - 130].X;
linearAxis1.Minimum = items.Skip(n - 200).Take(70).Select(x => x.Low).Min();
linearAxis1.Maximum = items.Skip(n - 200).Take(70).Select(x => x.High).Max();
timeSpanAxis1.AxisChanged += (sender, e) => AdjustYExtent(series, timeSpanAxis1, linearAxis1);
var controller = new PlotController();
controller.BindMouseDown(OxyMouseButton.Left, PlotCommands.PanAt);
plotView1.Model = plotModel1;
Strange thing is that I've just copied few things from the Oxyplot series example. I've also created minimal project with the problem described.
The objects generated by the HighLowItemGenerator
have different names of properties than defined in the CandleStickSeries
definition. Check the items
objects in the debugger to see it. Maybe the sample is a bit out of date. The solution is to change the series definition to use the correct properties this is how it should look like:
var series = new CandleStickSeries
Color = OxyColors.Black,
IncreasingColor = OxyColors.DarkGreen,
DecreasingColor = OxyColors.Red,
DataFieldX = "X",
DataFieldHigh = "High",
DataFieldLow = "Low",
DataFieldOpen = "Open",
DataFieldClose = "Close",
TrackerFormatString =
"High: {2:0.00}\nLow: {3:0.00}\nOpen: {4:0.00}\nClose: {5:0.00}",
ItemsSource = items