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How to install a wheel-style package using

Is there a way, using, to install a python package as a wheel/pip-style package (i.e. dist-info) instead of the egg installation that does by default (i.e. egg-info)?

For example, if I have a python package with a script and I run the following command, it will install the package as an egg.

> python install

However, I can build a wheel first, and then use pip to install that wheel as a wheel/dist-info type installation

> python bdist_wheel
> pip install ./dist/package-0.1-py2-none-any.whl

Is there a way to install the package as a wheel/dist-info installation directly from Or is the two-step process using both setuptools and pip necessary?


  • Update: Confirmed, this has landed in pip now. If you are still seeing .egg-info installs when pip installing from a directory, then just upgrade your pip installation. Note that --editable installs will still use egg-info.

    Original answer below:

    This feature is coming soon. This was issue #4611. Follow the trail and you will find PR 4764 to pip, merged into master approx a week ago. In the meantime, you can

    pip wheel . 
    pip install ./mypackage.whl