I'm trying to get Apache Camel's REST DSL working but it's not connecting for me.
I've got a RouteBuilder that's being called:
public void configure() {
.dataFormatProperty("prettyPrint", "true")
.apiProperty("api.version", buildVersion)
.apiProperty("cors", "true")
.get().route().transform().constant("Hello World");
but then the routes don't actually work.
This is inside a Spring Boot app that has other REST endpoints defined via JAX-RS but this is an integration package that I want to be able to keep separate. The weird thing is that this WAS working a few months ago before I had to work on other things, but now, coming back to it, I can't even get this simple endpoint working.
I've got Camel in my Maven pom.xml and everything seems to be starting correctly, but nothing happens when I hit http:://localhost:9071/say/hello, I just get the standard Tomcat 404 page.
Any thoughts on what I'm missing?
According to this: http://www.baeldung.com/apache-camel-spring-boot
As of Camel’s version 2.19, this configuration has been dropped as the CamelServlet is by default set to “/camel”.
so /camel/say/hello is the correct URL and it works for me. Still looking at how to customize this.
Here's how to customize this under Spring Boot. You add a property to application.properties like this: