I´ve seen a lot of example of transformations similars but not the same yet. Hope not to be wrong.
I wopuld like to transform this DF:
Reference Amount Reference.2 Amount.2
1: 20171201 100,00 € 20171204 110,00 €
To something like that:
Reference Amount
1: 20171201 100,00 €
2: 20171204 110,00 €
Thank you.
If you are really just dealing with pairs of columns and you don't want a "variable" or "value" column, then maybe you can just do:
matrix(c(t(df)), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
## [,1] [,2]
## [1,] "20171201" "100,00€"
## [2,] "20171204" "110,00€"
## [3,] "20171202" "101,00€"
## [4,] "20171205" "110,00€"
From there, convert to data.frame
or data.table
or tbl
or whatever you prefer to work with....
But, I don't know why you wouldn't just do:
melt(as.data.table(df), measure.vars = patterns("Reference", "Amount"),
value.name = c("Reference", "Amount"))[, variable := NULL][]
# Reference Amount
# 1: 20171201 100,00€
# 2: 20171202 101,00€
# 3: 20171204 110,00€
# 4: 20171205 110,00€
Sample data (from a deleted answer by @Florian):
df = read.table(text='Reference Amount Reference.2 Amount.2
1: 20171201 100,00€ 20171204 110,00€
2: 20171202 101,00€ 20171205 110,00€',header=T)