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Xamarin.Android: Access to the path ******** is denied

I'm getting the above error when trying to print a file with my Xamarin app through call to a web service method. When same method is called from browser it prints without problem. Write and read permissions for external storage are granted. The file I want to print is located in a shared network folder. What could be the reason that folder access is denied only for the app?

That's the part of the code where filepath is used:

public static string SubstituteFileContent(string filePath, string substituteValues)
            var rdr = new StreamReader(filePath);
            var fileContent = rdr.ReadToEnd();
            //textBoxSource.Text = fileContent;
            var index = fileContent.IndexOf("^XA");
            fileContent = fileContent.Remove(0, index);
            var start = fileContent.IndexOf("^DFE");
            var end = fileContent.IndexOf(".ZPL^");
            fileContent = fileContent.Remove(start, end - start + 4);


            var substitutedContent = SubstituteFields(fileContent, substituteValues);
            return substitutedContent;


  • Ok, solved it myself. I had to explicitly share the network folder with "Everyone" under Share settings.