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Running debug session for lwpd.xsp.core source

Assuming I have a decompiled source of lwpd.xsp.core library, is there any way to run it through Domino Designer Java debug session? I want to fully understand what happens behind the scenes, but IBM actually lacks any good documentation except apidoc that doesn't help too much. I think running the full request/response cycle from debugger would be the fastest and most effective way to clear things up, than browsing the code through IDE. On the other hand, I can put sout pritln-s where I need or insert some custom logging statements, but debugger is still preferred.

I guess maybe I have to remove lwpd.xsp.core.jar from Plug-in Dependencies of my XPages application and attach it as an external library instead, but I don't have a clue how to do it. If it is possible at all, I'll make a research on the topic.


  • You can decompile the code during runtime with the JD GUI Eclipse Plugin. Just download the update site and import it into DDE. No Source code needed.

    And please donate for the project (I am not the author of JD GUI or have any benefits from a donation).

    By the way: the most interesting parts of the XPages engine are stored in the files

    • lwpd.xsp.core.jar
    • lwpd.xsp.extsn.jar
    • lwpd.xsp.domino.jar
    • lwpd.xsp.designer