I have this piece of code to search for data on Salesforce:
$campaign_name = 'A & B Campaign';
$search = 'FIND {'.$campaign_name.'} IN NAME FIELDS RETURNING CAMPAIGN(ID)';
$searchResult = $mySforceConnection->search($search);
var_dump('$searchResult: ' . print_r($searchResult, true));
mismatched character '&' expecting '}'
I tried to use preg_replace
, htmlentities
, I keep getting the same error, what can I do to be able to search for strings containing &
You need a slash, like that: FIND {A \& B}
(that's a valid SOSL search by the way ;))
Scroll to bottom of https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.soql_sosl.meta/soql_sosl/sforce_api_calls_sosl_examples.htm for more info.
No idea if there's a built-in php function that would do this for you. Worst case create your own utility function with str_replace
, preg_replace