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React router not routing when wrapped

If you could point the error it will be grateful, I'm frazzled. I'm using react router as such:

<Router history={history}>
        <Route exact path="/" component={SplashScreen} />
         <Route path="/login" component={LoginComponent} />

This works perfectly fine. The moment however I wrap another component around the div, in this case a StartupLogic component, routing stops working Specifically I'm using:


When StartupLogic is not wrapped around the div this works fine meaning the url bar changes to localhost:3000/login and the LoginComponent is mounted.

When the StartupLogic component IS mounted around the div, the url bar changes to localhost:3000/login but the LoginComponent doesnt render, I'm stuck there looking at the SplashScreen.

The StartupLogic component:

class AppDelegate extends Component {

    this.props.getX().then(allCountries => {
      this.props.getY().then(res => {

        setTimeout(() => {



  render() {
    return (


  • Instead of Wrapping the Routes within a component like

    <Router history={history}>
        <StartupLogic >
            <Route exact path="/" component={SplashScreen} />
             <Route path="/login" component={LoginComponent} />
        <StartupLogic >

    you should move the Routes within the component directly and get get the Route params using withRouter in the WrappedRoute like

    const StartupLogic = () => {
       return (
            <Route exact path="/" component={SplashScreen} />
             <Route path="/login" component={LoginComponent} />
    export default withRouter(StartupLogic);

    and use it like

    <Router history={history}>
        <StartupLogic />