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Postgres epoch extract begining and end of last month

I need to find in postgres number of rows from table history, where date in clock column is from previous month (clock is stored as epoch timestamp). First i did:

select count(clock) from history where 
date_trunc('month',to_timestamp(clock)) = date_trunc('month', CURRENT_DATE) - INTERVAL '1 month';

But this is very slow. I was thinking i would be quicker if i did something like this:

select count(clock) from history 
where clock between {extracted first second of previous month} and {extracted last second of previous month};

When i put values by hand, is much quicker (I have index on clock). But I don't know how extract first, and last second of the previous month. Thanks for help in advance :)


  • Start of the previous month as a timestamp is:

    date_trunc('month', current_timestamp) - interval '1' month

    If you avoid the between operator, you don't need calculate the "last second" of the previous month but only the start of the current month:

    select count(clock) 
    from history 
    where clock >= extract(epoch from date_trunc('month', current_timestamp) - interval '1' month)
      and clock < extract(epoch from date_trunc('month', current_timestamp));

    Note the < operator instead of <=