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Discovering dependencies of mod_jk

We are running a large amount of old EC2 instances which are based on Amazon Linux AMI 2014.09, a pretty old version.

We have recently built mod_jk on one of them that so that we can front Tomcat with Apache Web server 2.4.

We are in the process of identifying the dependencies of this mod_jk module. Can we re-use the library that we just built with newer versions of the OS? We are running a large number of instances, so we would like to cut out the whole "building binaries from sources" step, so our ideal setup would be to take the current binary and deploy it in all other EC2 instances.

The question is: can we safely do it? If not, when do we need to rebuild it? For example:

  1. Do we need to rebuild it if we decide to launch EC2 instances with the latest Amazon Linux AMI, which is 3 years newer?

  2. Do we need to rebuild it if the Apache's version is different?

Thank you in advance, Meletis


  • I have a couple of precompiled mod_jk's in order to avoid just this cases. As per my own experience, I must recompile it in this scenarios:

    1. Different Apache version (2.2/2.4)
    2. Apache 32/64bits

    As I stated before, according to this, you should have no more than 4 built mod_jk binaries to choose the right one from.

    I could not tell you wether this is a best practice (probably not), but I have use this already built mod_jk in different Linux distributions and versions of Fedora, CentOS, Red Hat and Debian.