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How to filter windows event security logs based of security ID (SID) and EventID using PowerShell

When I filter Windows Security logs by EventId and Security Id (SID) Seperately, I get the output. Now I want to merge the two filters. I want to filter by EventId and SID both. If SID is 'System' It should filter it out. How do I merge the two filters. Here is the code for Filtering EventIds:

 Get-WinEvent -path "C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs\Security.evtx"  | where {$_.Id -eq 4624 -or $_.Id -eq 4634 -or $_.Id -eq 4778 -or $_.Id -eq 4779 -or $_.Id -eq 4608 -or $_.Id -eq 4609 -or $_.Id -eq 4800 -or $_.Id -eq 4801 -or $_.Id -eq 4802 -or $_.Id -eq 4803 -or $_.Id -eq 4688 -or $_.Id -eq 4689}  |?{$_.TimeCreated -gt (Get-Date).AddHours(-1)} | select  @{Name="TimeGenerated";Expression={$_."TimeCreated"}}, @{Name="Source";Expression={$_."Id"}}, Message, UserName   

Here is the code for Filtering based of SID:

$out += Get-WinEvent -path "C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs\Security.evtx" -FilterXPath '*[EventData[Data[@Name="SubjectUserSid"] = "S-1-5-21-1004336348-1383384898-1417001333-892045"]]'  |?{$_.TimeCreated -gt (Get-Date).AddHours(-1)} | select  @{Name="TimeGenerated";Expression={$_."TimeCreated"}}, @{Name="Source";Expression={$_."Id"}}, Message, UserName  


  • It's just another calculated property you add to the first block. No reason for the separate code block.

    So, try this to get the combined data you are after. We, just take you code as is and use the .Net Xml namespace to get the sid or any other item(s) you choose. You can of course filter as you like on the final collection.

    Get-WinEvent -path "C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs\Security.evtx" `
    | Where {$_.Id -match '4624|4634|4778|4779|4608|4609|4800|4801|4802|4803|4688|4689'} `
    | Where {$_.TimeCreated -gt (Get-Date).AddHours(-1)} `
    | select  @{Name="TimeGenerated";Expression={$_."TimeCreated"}}, 
              @{Name="SubjectUserSidValue";Expression={([xml]$_.ToXml()).Event.EventData.Data[0].'#text'}},Message `
              -First 9 `
              | Format-table -AutoSize
    TimeGenerated        Source SubjectUserSidValue    Message                                                                      
    -------------        ------ -------------------    -------
    1/31/2018 5:27:16 AM   4634 S-1-5-18               An account was logged off....
    1/31/2018 5:27:16 AM   4624 S-1-0-0                An account was successfully logged on....
    1/31/2018 5:27:16 AM   4634 S-1-5-18               An account was logged off....
    1/31/2018 5:27:16 AM   4624 S-1-0-0                An account was successfully logged on....
    1/31/2018 5:27:07 AM   4634 S-1-5-18               An account was logged off....
    1/31/2018 5:27:07 AM   4624 S-1-0-0                An account was successfully logged on....
    1/31/2018 5:27:07 AM   4624 S-1-0-0                An account was successfully logged on....
    1/31/2018 5:26:31 AM   4634 S-1-5-21-3...          An account was logged off....
    1/31/2018 5:26:29 AM   4634 S-1-5-18               An account was logged off....

    Update as per OP additional question

    This is what you can grab by array position from the XML.

    Name                      #text                          
    ----                      -----                          
    SubjectUserSid            S-1-5-18                       
    SubjectUserName           2012DC$                        
    SubjectDomainName         CONTOSO                        
    SubjectLogonId            0x3e7                          
    TargetUserSid             S-1-0-0                        
    TargetUserName            postanote                        
    TargetDomainName          CONTOSO                        
    Status                    0xc000015b                     
    FailureReason             %%2308                         
    SubStatus                 0x0                            
    LogonType                 4                              
    LogonProcessName          Advapi                         
    AuthenticationPackageName Negotiate                      
    WorkstationName           2012DC                         
    TransmittedServices       -                              
    LmPackageName             -                              
    KeyLength                 0                              
    ProcessId                 0x390                          
    ProcessName               C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe
    IpAddress                 -                              
    IpPort                    -

    So, updating the script becomes...

    Get-WinEvent -path 'C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs\Security.evtx' `
    | Where {$_.Id -match '4624|4634|4778|4779|4608|4609|4800|4801|4802|4803|4688|4689'} `
    | Where {$_.TimeCreated -gt (Get-Date).AddHours(-1)} `
    | select  @{Name='TimeGenerated';Expression={$_.'TimeCreated'}}, 
              @{Name='LogonProcessName';Expression={([xml]$_.ToXml()).Event.EventData.Data[11].'#text'}} `
              -First 100 `
              | Format-table -AutoSize

    * Updating again to reflect the OP next question... *

    As per your last question / request Then, for the other values, the update becomes this.

    How to collect the full info before parsing...

    $Event = Get-WinEvent ...
    $Event | Select -Property *
    $EventXML = [xml]$Event.ToXml()
    Get-WinEvent -path 'C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs\Security.evtx' `
    | Where {$_.Id -match '4624|4634|4778|4779|4608|4609|4800|4801|4802|4803|4688|4689'} `
    | Where {$_.TimeCreated -gt (Get-Date).AddHours(-1)} `
    | select  @{Name='TimeGenerated';Expression={$_.'TimeCreated'}}, 
            @{Name='LogonProcessName';Expression={([xml]$_.ToXml()).Event.EventData.Data[11].'#text'}} `
            -First 9 `
            | Format-table -AutoSize
    TimeGenerated       EventID TaskCategory SubjectUserSid  AccountName LogonProcessName
    -------------       ------- ------------ --------------  ----------- ----------------
    2/2/2018 2:41:03 AM    4634 Logoff       S-1-5-21-376... spadmin
    2/2/2018 2:40:53 AM    4624 Logon        S-1-0-0         -           -
    2/2/2018 2:40:51 AM    4634 Logoff       S-1-5-21-376... SKY01$
    2/2/2018 2:40:37 AM    4634 Logoff       S-1-5-18        DC01$