I want to change color of black and white image which is page of a book. I have done this using for loop which change color pixel by pixel and it is taking too much time.
var p2b: RGBAPixel = RGBAPixel(r: 0, g: 153, b: 0)
var p2t: RGBAPixel = RGBAPixel(r: 255, g: 255, b: 255)
for y in 0 ..< height {
for x in 0 ..< width {
let p1 = img.getPixel(x, y: y)
if ( p1.red > 200 ) { img2.setPixel(p2b, x: x, y: y) }
else { img.setPixel(p2t, x: x, y: y) }
is there faster way to do this?
this is only for black and white image e.g image of a book page
get image as CIImage and make two pixels just like this newPix1 and newPix2
var ciimage: CIImage
ciimage = CIImage(image: myImg)!
var newPix1 = EFUIntPixel()
newPix1.red = UInt8(25); newPix1.green = UInt8(25); newPix1.blue =
UInt8(25); newPix1.alpha = UInt8(200)
var newPix2 = EFUIntPixel()
newPix2.red = UInt8(0); newPix2.green = UInt8(255); newPix2.blue =
UInt8(255); newPix2.alpha = UInt8(200)
now call function to replace color
ciimage = ciimage.replace(colorNew: newPix1, colorNew2: newPix2,
isFirst: true)!
white color of image will be replaced by newPix1 and black color will be newPix2
don't forget to add following code, you can put it where you want
struct EFUIntPixel {
var red: UInt8 = 0
var green: UInt8 = 0
var blue: UInt8 = 0
var alpha: UInt8 = 0
extension CIImage {
// Replace color with another one
func replace(colorNew: EFUIntPixel,colorNew2: EFUIntPixel, isFirst: Bool) -> CIImage? {
let cubeSize = 64
let cubeData = { () -> [Float] in
let selectColor = (Float(0.862745106), Float(0.862745106), Float(0.862745106), Float(0.784313738))
let raplaceColor = (Float(colorNew.red) / 255.0, Float(colorNew.green) / 255.0, Float(colorNew.blue) / 255.0, Float(colorNew.alpha) / 255.0)
let raplaceColor2 = (Float(colorNew2.red) / 255.0, Float(colorNew2.green) / 255.0, Float(colorNew2.blue) / 255.0, Float(colorNew2.alpha) / 255.0)
var data = [Float](repeating: 0, count: cubeSize * cubeSize * cubeSize * 4)
var tempRGB: [Float] = [0, 0, 0]
var newRGB: (r : Float, g : Float, b : Float, a: Float)
var offset = 0
for z in 0 ..< cubeSize {
tempRGB[2] = Float(z) / Float(cubeSize) // blue value
for y in 0 ..< cubeSize {
tempRGB[1] = Float(y) / Float(cubeSize) // green value
for x in 0 ..< cubeSize {
tempRGB[0] = Float(x) / Float(cubeSize) // red value
// Select colorOld
if tempRGB[0] <= selectColor.0 && tempRGB[1] <= selectColor.1 && tempRGB[2] <= selectColor.2 {
newRGB = (raplaceColor2.0, raplaceColor2.1, raplaceColor2.2, raplaceColor2.3)
// Select colorOld
else if tempRGB[0] >= selectColor.0 && tempRGB[1] >= selectColor.1 && tempRGB[2] >= selectColor.2 {
newRGB = (raplaceColor.0, raplaceColor.1, raplaceColor.2, raplaceColor.3)
} else {
newRGB = (tempRGB[0], tempRGB[1], tempRGB[2], 1)
data[offset] = newRGB.r
data[offset + 1] = newRGB.g
data[offset + 2] = newRGB.b
data[offset + 3] = 1.0
offset += 4
return data
let data = cubeData.withUnsafeBufferPointer { Data(buffer: $0) } as NSData
let colorCube = CIFilter(name: "CIColorCube")!
colorCube.setValue(cubeSize, forKey: "inputCubeDimension")
colorCube.setValue(data, forKey: "inputCubeData")
colorCube.setValue(self, forKey: kCIInputImageKey)
return colorCube.outputImage