I am a beginner in assembly and any help would be appreciated. Here is my code:
Textstring db "I'm a string$"
mov dx, Textstring
push dx
mov ah, 06h
int 21h
push al
I keep getting the errors that operand types do not match on line 8 and argument to operation or instruction has illegal size on line 13.
I am guessing the problem is I am trying to push AL
onto the stack. Is there anyway I could push the contents of AL
onto the stack? I am trying to make a code where I prompt the user for a character and return that character back to the program that called it.
You cannot push AL
into the stack because every element of the stack is a word and AL
's size is a byte.
What you can do, is reset AH
's value and push AX
into the stack so AL
will contain the value you want and AH
will just be 0 which will not affect the data in AL