I am using i2c and Python 2.7. I have a hex string that looks like this:
(write address, register, value, register, value, register, value, register, value)
I need to change the value of \x04 and \xCC with the first two and last two characters of a decimal converted to a hex.
a = 857
a = hex(a)
a = a[2:]
a = a.zfill(4)
high = a[:2]
low = a[2:]
needs to go in the \xCC
spot and \x59
needs to go in the \x04
The string needs to look like this:
My first problem is getting the string to act like a string. If I use
'r' in front of the string and then use str.replace()
, the resulting string gives me:
and my device does not respond to it.
If I don't use the 'r', I get:
ValueError: invalid \x escape
when I try to make the string a variable.
I've tried a straight concatenation:
a = '\x80\x0A\x01\x0B\x99\x0C' + '\x' + low + '\x0D' + '\x' + high
ValueError: invalid \x escape
a = '\x80\x0A\x01\x0B\x99\x0C' + r'\x' + low + r'\x0D' + r'\x' + high
'\x80\n\x01\x0b\x99\x0c\\x59\\x0D\\x03' (device does not respond)
a = '\x80\x0A\x01\x0B\x99\x0C\x' + low + '\x0D\x' + high
ValueError: invalid \x escape
To work on these "strings" as byte arrays, try bytearray
data = [int(x) for x in bytearray('\x80\x0A\x01\x0B\x99\x0C\x04\x0D\xCC')]
want = [int(x) for x in bytearray('\x80\x0A\x01\x0B\x99\x0C\x59\x0D\x03')]
num = 857
high, low = int(num / 256), num % 256
new_data = list(data)
new_data[data.index(int('cc', 16))] = high
new_data[data.index(int('04', 16))] = low
assert want == new_data
# convert back to string
result = ''.join(chr(d) for d in data)