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After Input goes Invalid in HTML5 set error message and prevent default error message from kendo in a grid

I stuck with the inline validation in the kendo grid.

I don't want to validate after losing focus. I want to validate immediately after typing. So I start using the HTML validator. It works pretty well but the problem is I cant answer these two questions:

which event set the input from valid to invalid.

which event displays the error message.

My Current work:


  • Solved my Problem on my Own. I will edit the post so you can see what i mean but first i just give the dojo projcet.

    my edit:

    I am sorry for my previous anwser, i just want to give him my solution i mention in my comment.

    In my solution i created an event listener, how listen to all input elements. When something has changed it, saves the current cursor position (its import for ie support) and after this it trigger my "change" event. The "change" event check if it is valid or invalid. If it is invalid the kendo validator shows imidently the error-message (not as default by a blur event).

        var ValidierungCheckClass = (function () {
    return {
        AllDOMElements: function () {
            $('body').on('input', function () {
                var myActiveElement = $(':focus');
                if ((myActiveElement) && (myActiveElement.context.activeElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "body")) {
                    var myActiveDOMElement = myActiveElement[0],
                       start = myActiveDOMElement.selectionStart, //just for IE Support
                       end = myActiveDOMElement.selectionEnd;           //just for IE Support
                    myActiveDOMElement.setSelectionRange(start, end); //just for IE Support

    The change event is allready created from kendo so you dont have to write your own.

    At least you have to call the method when creating the website.


    This is my Solution to my problem.

    best regards.