I want to configure logback in such way that some specific appender will work only if system variable LOGGER_ENABLED is set to true. If the variable is not set at all it should not give any error. So I tried several approaches 1. Set only env variable and use it in logback as
<if condition='${LOGGER_ENABLED}'>
<appender-ref ref="MyAppender"/>
it works fine if variable is set to true of false. If it is absent - it throws error like ...is undefined 2. Another catch is to use spring yml file and set it like
sendErrors=${LOGGER_ENABLED:false} //that means to use false if not set
and in logback to use like
<if condition='${sendErrors}'>
<appender-ref ref="MyAppender"/>
in such way it will work only for static "false" or "true" values and do not prefetch ${LOGGER_ENABLED:false} condition.
Is it possible to perform such configuraiton with spring boot and logback?
Ok, I found the answer on my question. In logback file default separator is ":-" instead of ":" in general spring boot file. After replacing separator to ":-" I'm able to specify default value exactly in logback file Example
<if condition='${sendErrors:-true}'>
<appender-ref ref="MyAppender"/>