I have a global setup in Jest.
"jest": {
"globalSetup": "./setup.js"
Within the setup, I have an async function which writes a session key to global
const axios = require('axios');
async function getSessionKey() {
const response = await axios.post("http://apiUrl", {
username: "K",
password: "passw0rd"
sessionKey = response.data.sessionKey;
global.sessionKey = sessionKey;
module.exports = getSessionKey;
Whatever session key I am saving in global is not available in the test file. global.sessionKey is undefined in the below test.
test("create session", () => {
I want some way to set the sessionKey in a global object from setup file. The session key should be available before I run any of my tests.
can't be used to inject context/global variables to sandboxed test suites/files. Use setupFiles
Other way you can customize the test runtime through testEnvironment
, more details see here: Async setup of environment with Jest