So i'm using Firebase Database to post and retrieve some data.
Posting data works fine, and here is how my tree looks like for the posts:
Here is my posting method ( works fine )
public void post_status(){
String full_song = song;
final String song_name = full_song.split("//")[0];
final String song_Artist = full_song.split("//")[1];
final DatabaseReference db_post = DB_NewPost.push();
if (song_name != null && song_Artist !=null && user_name != null && profile_image != null) {
final ProgressDialog progressDialog = new ProgressDialog(MainActivity.this);
DB_NewPost.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
db_post.child("user_comment").setValue("Test Comment");
db_post.child("user_ID").setValue(user.getUid()).addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<Void>() {
public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<Void> task) {
public void onCancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) {
.content("Post " + databaseError.getMessage())
else {
.content("Post canceled, make sure all the values are set")
Here is my RecylcerView related code:
public void onStart() {
Query query = DB_NewPost.limitToLast(10);
FirebaseRecyclerOptions<user_post> options =
new FirebaseRecyclerOptions.Builder<user_post>()
.setQuery(query, user_post.class)
FBRA = new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<user_post, postViewHolder>(options) {
public postViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
View view = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext())
.inflate(R.layout.post_layout, parent, false);
return new postViewHolder(view);
protected void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull postViewHolder holder, int position, @NonNull user_post model) {
holder.setSongArtist("by: " + model.getSong_artist());
holder.setPicture(getApplicationContext(), model.getImage());
Log.e("UserName", "" + model.getUsername());
Log.e("Comment", "" +model.getUser_comment());
Log.e("Artist", "" +model.getSong_artist());
Log.e("SongName", "" +model.getSong_name());
Log.e("Picture", "" +model.getImage());
public static class postViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder{
View mView;
public postViewHolder(View itemView) {
mView = itemView;
public void setSongName(String songName){
TextView song_name = mView.findViewById(;
public void setSongArtist(String Artist){
TextView song_artist = mView.findViewById(;
public void setUserName(String userName){
TextView user_name = mView.findViewById(;
public void setComment(String comment){
TextView user_comment = mView.findViewById(;
public void setPicture(Context ctx,String image){
CircleImageView profile = mView.findViewById(;
RequestOptions options = new RequestOptions();
And here is where i am facing issues, i'm getting the String value of SongName and the comment ( even it it's fixed ), but NULL values for everything else. I tried almost everything, searched alot of forums and previous questions regarding seperating data and so.. i couldn't find any solution. Anyone care to help me with this ?
Here is my log:
01-30 16:29:52.736 25015-25015/xerxes.music_feed E/UserName: null 01-30 16:29:52.737 25015-25015/xerxes.music_feed E/Comment: Test Comment 01-30 16:29:52.737 25015-25015/xerxes.music_feed E/Artist: null 01-30 16:29:52.737 25015-25015/xerxes.music_feed E/SongName: The One Hundred - Monster 01-30 16:29:52.737 25015-25015/xerxes.music_feed E/Picture: null
EDIT: I also noticed this in my log, although i have setters and getters for those variabls.
01-30 16:29:52.734 25015-25015/xerxes.music_feed W/ClassMapper: No setter/field for profile_image found on class xerxes.music_feed.user_post 01-30 16:29:52.734 25015-25015/xerxes.music_feed W/ClassMapper: No setter/field for artist found on class xerxes.music_feed.user_post 01-30 16:29:52.734 25015-25015/xerxes.music_feed W/ClassMapper: No setter/field for user_ID found on class xerxes.music_feed.user_post 01-30 16:29:52.734 25015-25015/xerxes.music_feed W/ClassMapper: No setter/field for user_name found on class xerxes.music_feed.user_post
EDIT 2: Added Setters/Getters class
public class user_post {
private String username;
private String song_name;
private String song_artist;
private String user_comment;
private String image;
public user_post(){
public user_post(String username, String song_name, String song_artist, String user_comment,String p_image){
this.username = username;
this.song_name = song_name;
this.song_artist = song_artist;
this.user_comment = user_comment;
this.image = p_image;
public String getUsername() {
return username;
public void setUsername(String username) {
this.username = username;
public String getSong_name() {
return song_name;
public void setSong_name(String song_name) {
this.song_name = song_name;
public String getSong_artist() {
return song_artist;
public void setSong_artist(String song_artist) {
this.song_artist = song_artist;
public String getUser_comment() {
return user_comment;
public void setUser_comment(String user_comment) {
this.user_comment = user_comment;
public String getImage() {
return image;
public void setUserImage(String image) {
this.image = image;
in your POJO refactor this line
private String username;
to this
private String user_name;
Explanation to people that maybe is having the same issue
When you do your POJO class with all the setters and getters , all the Strings
or ints
, longs
, etc SHOULD
match the same names as your database structure, and check if the data from the database has ""
, for example phone_number:"359182"
, if your datbaase is like that is because you need to declare in your POJO String phone_number
and NOT
long or int phone_number... if in your database the value of phone_number
is phone_number: 3049512
without the ""
it means that the value is either an int
, double
or long
happy coding