I am new to docker, trying to run multiple python processes in docker. Though it's not recommended, however, it should work as suggested here "https://docs.docker.com/engine/admin/multi-service_container/"
My Dockerfile :
FROM custom_image
RUN apt-get update -y
COPY . /app
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash"]
CMD ["start.sh"]
start.sh :
nohup python flask-app.py &
nohup python sink.py &
nohup python faceConsumer.py &
nohup python classifierConsumer.py &
nohup python demo.py &
echo lastLine
run command :
docker run --runtime=nvidia -p 5000:5000 out_image
Is it possible to run multiple processes without supervisord or docker-compose?
update: not getting any error, only "lastLine" is getting printed and docker container exits.
Your problem is putting everything in background. Your container starts, executes all commands and then exits when CMD process finishes - despite background processes running. Docker does not know that.
You could try running everything else in background but then
python demo.py
as it is. This would cause the process to stay alive assuming demo.py does not exit.