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IBM Case Manager Script Adapter and Widget?

I am a newbie in IBM Case Manager and currently exploring case builder and case navigator. I am stuck with the Script Adaptor and widget parts of this. I googled it but unable to find anything that might be really helpful for me to start with Script Adaptor. Can anyone help me to understand this or where can I get details about script adaptor and Wiring the Widgets?


  • I believe this explanation of the script adapter widget and it's use-cases is what you're looking for. Basically a script-adapter allows you to execute javascript-code upon triggering by 'a wire'.

    You'd want to use script-adapters for "small" manipulations or logic that can be done with only a few lines of javascript-code (for readability and maintainability purposes). As your scripts get larger you might want to consider transforming it to a widget.

    A widget (typically) is a html/javascript component that can be placed anywhere on the page(just like the out of the box widgets). Unlike scriptadapters (that are to be 'build' on the page itself), a (custom)widget is to be compiled and installed before it can be used on a page. The easiest way is by using the Eclipse IDE with this plugin, alternatively here's a DIY guide.