I am new in odoo. I am using Odoo 8. It is under stock/stock_report.xml. I inherit one menu option (top dropdown menu) report in my new module. Now I want to show it based on some condition. More clearly, menu="False"
if ('state', '==', 'assigned')
otherwise, menu="True"
How can I write this in menu. I have tried like following way. But it does not work. Or, if there any other way to do. I must have to do it by inheriting.
string="Picking test"
menu="{'False':['|',('state', '==', 'assigned')]}"
You cannot do that but you can work a round hide that report from the menu
menu = "False"
And use a button to print that report with button you can use attrs
to hide that button [('state', '=', 'assigned')]