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UNION join to email the set of rows based on the unique values in one column

I am trying to make union join on two tables , The output that i want is the rows from two tables for particular unique value should appear sequentially .

For example consider below : If table A has values

C1 C2
a 1
b 2

and table B has values

C1 C2
a 5
b 7

then union should look like

C1 C2
a 1
a 5
b 2
b 7 

and also I want to email separately to some group of people, the rows in table format based on the Colum C1 values.

For e.g if where C1 =a then email those rows in email body to certain ids.


  • Try This

     create table tableA
          C1 char,
          C2 int
     create table tableB
      C1 char,
      C2 int
    insert into tablea values('a',1)
    insert into tablea values('b',2)
    insert into tableb values('a',5)
    insert into tableb values('b',7)
    Select * from (select * from tableA
    select * from tableb)
    order by A.C1,A.C2


        C1  C2
    1   a   1
    2   a   5
    3   b   2
    4   b   7