I have made an array of ages from a database and wish the find the maximum values in the array. I have made this code so far...
Dim MaxAge, MaxIndex, MaxCount As Integer
MaxAge = arrAge(1)
MaxIndex = 1
For MaxCount = 2 To Length
If MaxAge < arrAge(MaxCount) Then
MaxAge = arrAge(MaxCount)
MaxIndex = MaxCount
End If
This code works, however, If there are two or more maxes in the array, it will still only result in one of the maximum values being displayed. I need it to display all the max values. Thank in advance :)
I have found the answer. All you have to do is create a filter for the database using the arrAge(maxindex)
. It will display all the records in the database that share the max age.
The code goes like this:
Dim MaxAge, MaxIndex, MaxCount As Integer
Dim Length As Integer = Me.listName.Items.Count - 1
MaxAge = arrAge(1)
MaxIndex = 1
For MaxCount = 2 To Length
If MaxAge < arrAge(MaxCount) Then
MaxAge = arrAge(MaxCount)
MaxIndex = MaxCount
End If
Me.PatientListingBindingSource.Filter = "pAge = '" & arrAge(MaxIndex) & "' "