I am trying to fetch users id,fname,lname,image from Profile album with cover value Yes.
I am using following query
select distinct
a.id as id,
a.fname as fname,
a.lname as lname,
im.sm_pic_path as image,
im.is_album_cover as cover,
album.name as album
user a
left outer join
images im
on a.id=im.aid
left outer join
album album
on im.album_id=album.id
a.fname like '%man%'
or a.lname like '%man%'
and a.status='active'
and im.is_album_cover='Yes'
and album.name='Profile'
group by a.id
order by
im.sm_pic_path desc,a.id
limit 0,30
This query is working without error but it is not fetching correct image. I want image whose album name is profile and is_album_cover value is yes.
How to make this correct.
For me there are several errors in your query:
between your user and images table because you have put in the WHERE
clause this condition: and im.is_album_cover='Yes'
contidion you must use brackets for ORGROUP BY
clause must be extended for all fields without an aggregate function in the select list field otherwise MySql engine take the first row.So your query, for me, can be re-write in this way:
a.id as id,
a.fname as fname,
a.lname as lname,
(SELECT im.sm_pic_path
FROM images im
WHERE a.id=im.aid
AND im.is_album_cover='Yes') as image,
(SELECT im.is_album_cover
FROM images im
WHERE a.id=im.aid
AND im.is_album_cover='Yes') AS cover,
(SELECT album.name
FROM images im
JOIN album
ON im.album_id=album.id
WHERE a.id = im.aid
AND album.name='Profile'
AND im.is_album_cover='Yes') AS album_name
FROM user a
WHERE (a.fname LIKE '%man%' OR a.lname like '%man%')
AND a.status = 'active'
image desc,a.id
LIMIT 0,30