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MQL4 drawing rectangle over price

I am trying to write a label in a rectangle over the price in the top left corner of my chart with my custom indicator. I can draw the rectangle and the label fine but I cannot get the order in which they display correct. The candlestick chart is always at the top and I can switch around the label and the rectangle's orders by using the following code

ObjectSetInteger(NULL, "objBackground", OBJPROP_BACK,true);

Please help, how do I put the candlesticks at the back, then the rectangle and the label(s) at the the forefront?

Thanks for your help!


  • Just make chart not on the foreground and you will see objects on top

    bool ChartForegroundSet(const bool value,const long chart_ID=0)
       //--- reset the error value
       //--- set property value
         //--- display the error message in Experts journal
         Print(__FUNCTION__+", Error Code = ",GetLastError());
       //--- successful execution