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VSTS - NUGET creation build number as version

I am setting up a continuous integration of my nuget packgae on VSTS, I am following the steps mentioned here to have build number as nuget version.

I am using 2.* of nuget pack with automatic package Versioning set to use the build number and build number format under options set to $(BuildDefinitionName)_$(Year:yyyy).$(Month).$(DayOfMonth)$(Rev:.r).

But this does not effect my version it always comes to be same 2.0.1

I am unable to understand what additional task has to be done.


  • The build number has been updated by GitVersionTask. So, disable it by specifying UpdateAssemblyInfo to false.


    Article: GitVersionTask Conditional control tasks.

    If you don’t need to update the version, you can uninstall GitVersionTask package.