I would like to ask you a question about implementing mutual authentication with Kerberos, using SSPI and LDAP API.
I am using the guidelines described in: ldap_sasl_bind_s(GSSAPI) - What should be provided in the credentials BERVAL structure.
Here is the algorithm I am using:
// client side
AcquireCredentialsHandle(NULL, "Kerberos", SECPKG_CRED_BOTH, NULL, &secIdent, NULL, NULL, &kClientCredential, &kClientTimeOut);
// AcquireCredentialsHandle returns SEC_E_OK
// begin validation
int iCliStatus = InitializeSecurityContext(&kClientCredential, isContextNull(kClientContext) ? NULL : &kClientContext,
pacTargetName, ulClientFlags, 0, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, pkServerToken,
0, &kClientContext, &kClientToken, &ulContextAttr, NULL);
// InitializeSecurityContext returns SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED
// server side
// ldap_init returns ok
ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_SIGN, LDAP_OPT_OFF);
ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_ENCRYPT, LDAP_OPT_OFF);
unsigned long ulVersion = LDAP_VERSION3;
ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_VERSION, &ulVersion);
// ldap_connect returns LDAP_SUCCESS
// build the credentials based on what InitializeSecurityContext returned
BERVAL creds;
creds.bv_len = kClientToken.pBuffers[0].cbBuffer;
creds.bv_val = reinterpret_cast(kClientToken.pBuffers[0].pvBuffer);
BERVAL* pServerCreds = NULL;
int iError = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, "", "GSSAPI", &creds, NULL, NULL, &pServerCreds);
// ldap_sasl_bind_s returns LDAP_SUCCESS
unsigned long ulError = 0;
ldap_get_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_ERROR_NUMBER, &ulError);
// ulError is equal to LDAP_SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS
And here is the problem: both LDAP error codes are ok, but pServerCreds points to an empty BERVAL structure (not NULL, but bv_len equals to 0), and it should contain the server credential I have to pass to the next InitializeSecurityContext call. If I use that data to build the SecBufferDesc structure for the following call, it returns SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN.
Is ldap_sasl_bind_s supposed to return an empty BERVAL or am I doing something wrong?
I have tested the authentication using full SSPI calls (AcceptSecurityContext for the server) and it works just as expected. The problem is that I need the server to be cross-platform, so I cannot use SSPI.
Thanks for taking the time to answer! Juan
I found the problem.
According to this thread there is a bug with ldap_sasl_bind_s
returning empty server credentials in Windows XP. I have tested my application under Windows 2008 Server and the credentials are properly returned.