I'm trying to compile my app to work correctly with the iPhone X, using all the available screen space and accommodating the new home indicator at the bottom of the screen. My app has a bottom toolbar, and I notice that Apple's apps extend the height of the bottom toolbar to give extra room for the home indicator. I give my toolbar extra height, but the buttons themselves want to position toward the bottom instead of the top. Is it possible to force them to align toward the top of the toolbar instead of toward the bottom?
In the app for which I asked the question, I am positioning views on the screen using coordinates. (In a constraint based app, one would need to pin the bottom constraint of a bottom toolbar to the safe area rather than the superview; if you are using the built-in bottom toolbar belonging to the navigation controller, the position of the toolbar and its content will take care of itself). Surprisingly, the solution turned out to be simply lifting the bottom toolbar up using its y coordinate, no more than 34 pts, and the area below the toolbar and near the home indicator will simply assume the color of the bottom toolbar, making it appear as though that area is part of a taller-than-normal bottom toolbar. The buttons on the toolbar will no longer appear squished.