I have a model named RequestForm that I want to render the seed data in my sample web interface.
The structure of this model looks like this:
create_table "request_forms", force: :cascade do |t|
t.datetime "created_at", null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", null: false
t.date "request_date"
t.string "submit_by"
t.string "submit_to"
t.string "requester_name"
Seed Data:
RequestForm.create! (
requester_name: "David",
request_date: Date.new(2017,1,2)
requester_name: "Mike",
request_date: Date.new(2018,1,3)
requester_name: "Jack",
request_date: Date.new(2018,1,3)
The Controller looks like this:
class Api::RequestFormsController < ApplicationController
def show
@RequestForm = RequestForm.find(param[:id])
def index
@RequestForms = RequestForm.all
It is resourced in the routes.rb as well
namespace :api, defaults: { format: :json } do
resources :request_forms, only: [ :index, :show ]
When i tried to create a jbuilder file with a single line:
json.extract! @RequestForms, :requester_name, :request_date
That's where the 500(internal server error) occur. I clicked into the error message and it said:
undefined method `requester_name' for #<RequestForm::ActiveRecord_Relation:0x00007f2c0a879f28>
I dont know why it is expecting a relation since from the document in the link here: http://www.rubydoc.info/github/rails/jbuilder/Jbuilder:extract!
Extracts the mentioned attributes or hash elements from the passed object and turns them into attributes of the JSON.
I am simply following the example it provided. So what did i do wrong here?
Since you're using @RequestForms
in your jbuilder template, I'm assuming you're trying to render the index action.
json.extract! @RequestForms, :requester_name, :request_date
In this case, @RequestForms
is a RequestForm::ActiveRecord_Relation
, not a RequestForm
object. I think what you're looking for is json.array!
to help you render the collection of objects you have.
For example, you could do something like this:
json.array! @RequestForms do |request_form|
json.requester_name request_form.requester_name
json.request_date request_form.request_date
Although, the code you have is pretty close to working. Instead of json.extract!
you can simply use json.array!
to extract attributes from the array directly.
json.array! @RequestForms, :requester_name, :request_date
The official jbuilder documentation shows this technique like this:
# @people = People.all
json.array! @people, :id, :name
# => [ { "id": 1, "name": "David" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Jamie" } ]