I have an angular component which I want to use in an AngularJS Material dialog:
return $mdDialog.show({
template: '<publish-dialog user="$ctrl.user" target-collection="$ctrl.targetCollection"></publish-dialog>',
controller: function () {
this.user = user;
this.targetCollection = targetCollection;
controllerAs: '$ctrl',
targetEvent: event,
clickOutsideToClose: true
The problem is, that when defining the template like this, the generated html looks like this:
The component element is breaking the between md-dialog
and md-toolbar
, md-dialog-content
and md-dialog-actions
leads to a layout break and the md-toolbar
and the md-dialog-actions
are not fixed.
So my question is, is there a way to only render the component template contents without the component element (<publish-dialog></publish-dialog>
In your directive, try using replace: true