Reverse engineering:
Is it possible to write some python code to get the unknown c variable value !
Equation: (((ord(c) << 5) | (ord(c) >> 3)) ^ 111) & 255 = 233
This was my logic:
ord(c)<<5 = a
this will give us ord(c) = a >> 5
, then c = chr(a >> 5)
(ord(c) << 5) | (ord(c) >> 3))
will return (ord(c) << 5)
does a "bitwise and", but & is not reversible.I will be so happy if someone help me, to figure out and solve the equation.
And this is the whole problem pastebin link
Yes, it is possible to reverse the equation, but only if the original value <=255.
def fwd(c):
return (((ord(c) << 5) | (ord(c) >> 3)) ^ 111) & 255
def rev(ans):
i = ans ^ 111 # perform the xor first, then the bit-shifts after
return ((i << 3) | (i >> 5)) & 255
print(fwd(chr(0xa5))) # sample byte to test this out with =>219
print(rev(219)) # can we reverse 219 to get back to 0xa5 or 165?
print(rev(233)) # now for the value from the OP
It seems that the unknown c was 52 (or the character '4' in ascii)
Just in case the pastebin link ever goes away, it looks like the OP was trying to reverse engineer a password:
secret = [233, 129, 9, 5, 130, 194, 195, 39, 75, 229]
inp = ''.join(chr(rev(s)) for s in secret)