I have a markdown document using a bit of LaTeX to produce a .pdf with the following chunk:
grobs = list(
tableGrob(mtcars[1:3, 1:2], rows = NULL),
grobs = segmentsGrob(y1 = unit(0, "npc"),
gp = gpar(fill = NA, lwd = 2)),
t = 1,
l = 1,
r = ncol(mtcars[1:3, 1:2])
tableGrob(mtcars[1:3, 1:2], rows = NULL),
grobs = segmentsGrob(y1 = unit(0, "npc"),
gp = gpar(fill = NA, lwd = 2)),
t = 1,
l = 1,
r = ncol(mtcars[1:3, 1:2])
along = 2),
tableGrob(mtcars[1:8, 1:2], rows = NULL),
grobs = segmentsGrob(y1 = unit(0, "npc"),
gp = gpar(fill = NA, lwd = 2)),
t = 1,
l = 1,
r = ncol(mtcars[1:8, 1:2])
ncol = 2
The output is centre aligned, and I would like it aligned at the top. My sticking point is that the left hand side is two combined tables already, and I seem to be unable to nest the output of that function into another cal to gtable_combine()
. I also haven't had any luck using the layout_matrix=
argument in gridExtra, as this adds a huge amount of space between the left two tables.
How can I have the left two tables very close (adjoined is fine), and also have the top of the top-most left table and the top of the right table horizontally aligned?
I've located an answer from this prior SO post. It appears to me that the padding of the output of the two shorter tables gtable_combine(...)
differs from the output of the longer table as the top padding is by default a function of the length of the table, and here the two tables, even when combined, will differ in length. The function @baptiste outlines in his answer solves this problem by fixing that padding value. Implementing it in my use case looks like this:
justify <- function(x, hjust="center", vjust="top", draw=FALSE){
w <- sum(x$widths)
h <- sum(x$heights)
xj <- switch(
center = 0.5,
left = 0.5 * w,
right = unit(1, "npc") - 0.5 * w
yj <- switch(
center = 0.5,
bottom = 0.5 * h,
top = unit(1, "npc") - 0.5 * h
x$vp <- viewport(x=xj, y=yj)
if(draw) grid.draw(x)
tableGrob(mtcars[1:3, 1:2], rows = NULL),
grobs = segmentsGrob(y1 = unit(0, "npc"),
gp = gpar(fill = NA, lwd = 2)),
t = 1,
l = 1,
r = ncol(mtcars[1:3, 1:2])
tableGrob(mtcars[1:3, 1:2], rows = NULL),
grobs = segmentsGrob(y1 = unit(0, "npc"),
gp = gpar(fill = NA, lwd = 2)),
t = 1,
l = 1,
r = ncol(mtcars[1:3, 1:2])
along = 2
tableGrob(mtcars[1:8, 1:2], rows = NULL),
grobs = segmentsGrob(y1 = unit(0, "npc"),
gp = gpar(fill = NA, lwd = 2)),
t = 1,
l = 1,
r = ncol(mtcars[1:3, 1:2])
ncol = 2