First of, I am trying to follow along with this guide.
So far I have the host up and running, but I am stuck at this one point. I've installed the windowsservercore image, and I installed the IIS image and tagged it 'windowsserveriis'. Now I need to install ASP.NET 4.5, and I use the following command
docker build –t windowsserveriisaspnet .
I should maybe add that I create a folder for my Docker images. So I have a C:\dev\TestProject\DockerImages and the a folder for each Dockerfile. Now, I am a bit unsure about this, as the guide never mentions how to actually create the files, so I thought I would divide them up just to be safe (and also be able to have them be named just 'Dockerfile' to avoid confusion).
Anyways, the above command prints out the following error message:
docker : "docker build" requires exactly 1 argument(s).
At line:1 char:1
docker build –t windowsserveriisaspnet .
My Dockerfile looks like this:
FROM windowsserveriis
RUN dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:IIS-ASPNET45
My initial thought was that i forgot the dot at the end, but that is not the case. I also tried replacing the dot with '--file="DockerfileASPNET"' (where I renamed the file). However nothing seems to work.
So, what am I missing? Thanks in advance..
Turns out there was some hidden formatting in my command. If I wrote it out manually, instead of copy/pasting, it worked. So I guess the lesson learned here is; check your copying.