I am currently trying to build a project with source in a git repository and some dependencies in an artifactory. I need to first download all the sources and binaries from the repo and artifactory to my local workspace.
I could not find any information regarding artifactory integration with bazel. I can see that this feature has been requested https://www.jfrog.com/jira/browse/RTFACT-15428?jql=labels%20%3D%20bazel. Is anyone aware of any build tools that can first download resources and then build them? I need both git and artifactory support.
According to the Bazel documentation for Java, you can define external dependencies resolved to Maven with rule maven_jar
As Artifactory supports Maven, you can set up your dependencies in a Maven repository, and retrieve artifacts from there with your Bazel build script.
On the other side of the build, publication seems to be a work-in-progress and on the roadmap for Bazel builds.