I tried to reduce the size of a simple hillshade geotiff by manipulating a compression switch of gdal_translate command, inspired by this great blog entry. However, running command with -co COMPRESS=JPEG
results with the following well known error:
ERROR 1: JPEGLib:Wrong JPEG library version: library is 62, caller expects 80
I made sure I deleted every single instance 6- based libjpeg library and installed every possible 8-based libjpeg library, but the problem still persists. I have GDAL version 2.0.0. running on Ubuntu 16.04.1 Xenial.
Has anybody run into the same problem?
Is it the input (geotiff) or dependencies related issue?
Unfortunately, I haven't found a solution to the original problem, but I did find a sweet workaround to apply a JPEG compression to the TIF raster which was my original problem anyways.
For some reason, calling a gdal_translate from within Python's GDAL API doesn't have problem with "COMPRESS=JPEG"
option. So, here is what worked for me:
from osgeo import gdal
ds = gdal.Open("Raster.tif")
ds = gdal.Translate("Raster_compressed.tif", ds, creationOptions=['COMPRESS=JPEG'])