data type has the sesFrom
field. Everywhere on the Internet I see that I should write something like "\"My Name\" <[email protected]>"
in order to display My Name
in the "from" field. But when I put this into the sesFrom
field I get
Not sent due to SESException {seStatus = Status {statusCode = 400, statusMessage = "Bad Request"}, seCode = "InvalidParameterValue", seMessage = "Missing '<'", seRequestId = "acf8bb7d-0440-11e8-94c8-45570c829243"}
I checked sources and all seems to be fine there. How do I set the sesFrom
field, so a name is displayed?
OK, got it. Instead of writing "\"My Name\" <[email protected]>" :: Address
and relying on OverloadedStrings
one should write
Address (Just "Ny Name") "[email protected]"
I'd say the library should parse "\"My Name\" <[email protected]>"
into that address, but whatever.