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Ngrok returns 405 error while tunneling my localhost

I have a web app bot that I would like to remote it so a few people can test it. I am using Bot Framework Emulator to test it locally and it works wonders, but I'm thoroughly failing to make ngrok host it.

(I actually managed doing it using the link my app has in Azure with another bot, but I couldn't with this one, so I'm trying with the link ngrok offers me - both bots, the one I managed and this one, are hosted in Azure, but I don't know how to make it available to remote access)

Steps I'm taking:

  1. Deploy the app in Visual Studio so it runs on localhost:3979;

  2. Open port externally in ngrok using ngrok 3979 http -host-header=rewrite localhost:3979;

  3. Get one of the forwarding URLs ngrok provides me, like

  4. Insert previous URL in Bot Framework Emulator;

  5. Click Connect.

Both in ngrok and in Bot Framework Emulator returns me 405 Method Not Allowed.

I tried accessing the link I inserted in Bot Framework Emulator and I normally have the page I would see while hosting my bot locally:

Describe your bot here and your terms of use etc.

Visit Bot Framework to register your bot. When you register it, remember to set your bot's endpoint to


But I can't send nor receive messages in Bot Framework Emulator.

Additionally, ngrok prints this under the HTTP request headline:

HTTP Requests

POST /                         405 Method Not Allowed
GET  /favicon.ico              200 OK
GET  /                         200 OK

My MSAppID and Password are configured properly in web.config, and compilation results in no error, so I doubt it's something on the code (unless there is some configuration in the code that prevents this bot being accessed remotely for a reason, but I have no idea).

I would very much appreciate any help on this issue. Thanks for your time.


  • Both in ngrok and in Bot Framework Emulator returns me 405 Method Not Allowed

    I can reproduce the issue on my side if I just provide as message endpoint.

    enter image description here

    Please try to specify as message endpoint, which works for me.

    enter image description here