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Get-WinEvent filter by logontype 2 OR logontype 3

I came accross this Get-WinEvent Obtain Interactive Logon Messages Only and tried to play around with OR in the same case:

 Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{Path="c:\test.evtx"; id=4624;} | Where-Object {$[8].value -eq 2} OR {$[8].value -eq 3}

and I wonder that this is not working?

and what happens if I have two different eventid's with two different where clause, e.g. EventId 4624 and logontype 2 or logontype 3
OR eventid 1234 and hostname = localhost.

What I need to do is check only logontype:2 and logontype 3 and print Network-Details when logontype is 3 (remote).


  • OR is not valid in PowerShell... You probably mean -or!

    In which case your code ends up looking like this:

    Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{Path="c:\test.evtx"; id=4624;} |
        Where-Object {$[8].value -eq 2 -OR $[8].value -eq 3}

    As an addition, I often find the -in operator to be clearer in this kind of scenario

    Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{Path="c:\test.evtx"; id=4624;} |
        Where-Object {$[8].value -in 2, 3}